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Course Outline

The following details provide an overview of the structure of HST201. Beginning with an exploration of Australia's prehistory and its original inhabitants, it follows the development of white Australia, through the years of settlement to 1900. 

The following schema provides an overview, which is given more detail in the Lecture notes. 

Prehistory:  Aboriginal Culture and Society prior to white settlement:

Includes: Aboriginal Settlement: Lifestyle and Culture: Land and ownership - the concept of Terra Nullius and its effects on Australian history. European concepts of race - and their impact on exploration of the Great South Land.

First Settlement Britain and the Colonies 1770-1788

Includes: Historiography and Australian History: Reasons for Settlement: Conflicts or consensus?  Colonial Government 1788-1810 : Philip to Bligh: The first twenty two years of settlement: Problems of Settlement: Social, Economic, Political: The search for a staple: Exclusives and Emancipists:

The Macquarie Era 1810-1821.

Includes: Economic development in the Macquarie decade. White Black relations: Paternalism and Protection. Macquarie and Exploration: Conflict and dissent: the emergence of national identity. Searching for a staple: Macquarie, his legacy and the Bigge Reports.

Pastoral Expansion -  1821-1850

Includes: The age of Exploration: Emigration and settlement: Emancipists and Immigrants: Colonial Expansion: . Squatters and Squattocracy. Conquest or Settlement?  White/Black relations - resistance or passivity. Moving towards Democracy: Includes: Convict and Free Immigration, Responsible government, Abolition of Transportation, James Macarthur; Spread of settlement. Empire and the Antipodes.

Gold Gold Gold - 1856 - 1860

Includes: Social and political implications of Gold rushes: The emergence of responsible government; rising wealth and the land question; The Robertson land acts; Chinese and the fear of Asia: Urbanization and Social and Political reform

The Long Boom 1860-1890

Includes: Capitalism and the Australian economy: Labour and industry: Urban and rural development: Primary and Secondary industry expansion and contraction. Dependency upon Britain and its consequences. Boom or Bust 

Trade Unions and Strikes of the 1890's 

Includes: Evolution of Trade Unions: Early craft unions and the emergence of the 'new' unions: Miners and Shearers: Tactics and tensions: The years of Depression. The emergence of political parties - Labour and unions 1890 - 1900.

Towards federation: Racism and  the White Australia Policy -

Includes:  Racism within Australia's history: Aborigines revisited: A White Australia: Racism and capitalism: Chinese and Melanesians: Effects of Racism within society. The evolution of racist policies within unions: The Australian Natives Association.. Women and racism. Building a nation - Federation and its costs.