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1. Prehistory - Australia prior to white contact

Images of the Great South Land, Cultural baggage and Australian Prehistory.


European Expansion and the search for the great south land


Initial impressions: The land and its inhabitants


Australia’s own prehistory:


Aboriginal Society: Culture Religion Community life


The land and its people, a relationship of integrity

For Reflection: What were the European cultural trends which influenced perspectives on Australia and its native population? In what ways was this moderated/shaped by European philosophy? 


2. First Settlement - Perspective's and Problems

England in the eighteenth century:


Social and political background to settlement:


Crime and punishment in the Eighteenth Century


Economic and political scenarios


The choice of Botany Bay:The complexity of the issue


Current historiography and competing views of the reasons for settlement:


The strengths and weaknesses of the arguments and implications for later development

For Reflection: Did the complex issues behind the settlement of Australia have any implications for the conflicts that would emerge in the first years of settlement?

3. Government to 1810: Phillip to Bligh

The Coming of the first fleet:


The convicts of the colony - an overview


The difficulties of the first years -


Aboriginal and white contact


Economic struggle


Phillip and the Military


The need for free settlers


The men of the New South Wales Corps and the monoply of trade


Bligh and the Rum Rebellion


Macarthur and the search for a staple.

For Reflection: Was transportation achieving the the aims the British government expected, or was this new settlement taking a shape all of its own?


4. The Macquarie Decade- 1810-1821

Building a nation.


Background history - the man


His ideals


Macquarie as governor


Convict and Emancipist policies


Economic developments


Conflict and criticisms


The Bigge Reports


Convict or Free revisited


The accomplishments of the period

For Reflection: What were the real issues behind complaints against  Macquarie’s policies? Who were the major protagonists? 

5. Pastoral Expansion - 1821-1850

Squatters and settlers and Overview


Exploration under Macquarie


The spread of settlement




The life of the squatter


Emancipists and settlers


The settlements of Port Phillip, Sth. Australia.


Transportation revisited


Settlement or conquest:

For Reflection: What were the similarities and differences in the settlements of NSW, Port Phillip, South Australia? How did their origins effect their development?


6. Conquest or Settlement: Black-White Relations

Is Australia a conquered land or a peacefully settled one?


Settlement revisited


Aborigines revisited


Civilization - a relative concept


Terra Nullius an excuse for “settlement”?


Patterns of Aboriginal reaction


Aboriginal resistance


War on the land


Racism and ideology


Racism in colonial society- an ever increasing pattern?

For Reflection: The first chapter of Manning Clark’s massive history of Australia begins: “Civilization did not begin in Australia until the last quarter of the eighteenth century....” . To what degree does this statement reveal the roots of black-white conflict in Australia? 

7. Moving towards Democracy ∓ The Gold Rushes

Steps to constitutional reform and the gold discoveries: A move towards Democracy


The evolution of consitutional reform 1823-1842


The discovery of Gold


The rush to be rich




Racism and the goldfields


The point of Eureka


Urban development


Social and political changes


Unlocking the land - The effect of the Robertson land acts


Social and political reforms

For Reflection: What were the major effects of the gold rushes on Australian development? Did the Robertson Land Acts have the desired or expected results?


8. The Long Boom

 Growth and the economy 1860-1890


 Years of expansion


Capital and Labour - crisis and conflicts


Growth and Decay -the two-edged sword of plenty 


Economic Imbalances - pastoral debt and urban growth


Emerging nationalism


Social and political changes


 Class conflicts


The slide into Depression

For Reflection:  What factors created the economic depression of the late 1880’s? How did the depression affect the various classes of Australian Society?

9.  Trade Unionism and the Strikes of 1890

The years of depression and the development of unionism


Capital Vs. Labour - the legacy of the years of “Boom”


The  emergence of the “new” unions - their function and aims.


The beginnings of “the great strikes”


Miners and Shearers and militant unionism.


Women and labour


The role of the state in the defeat of the unions


The emergence of the Labor Party



For Reflection:  What were the trade unions trying to achieve? What were the reasons for and the consequences of the great strikes of the 1890’s?



10. Towards Federation - the Making of a “White Australia”

 Australia’s colonial past and racism - revisiting the myths.


Racism - a dominant feature of Australian society - Fact or Fiction?


Aboriginals and Settlers revisited


Coolie Labour in the 1840’s


Reactions to the Chinese on the goldfields


The Melanesian labour trade


Class responses to coloured immigrants


The perception of an economic threat


Coloured immigration and emergent nationalism


Economic, social and political views revisited


Building the “great white walls” - The institutionalising of Australian racism.

For Reflection: What were the key factors contributing to the growing calls for exclusion of coloured immigrants to Australia in the 1880’s 1890’s? What were the expected benefits of a “white Australia” policy?