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Prescribed Texts:
Buckley K. and Wheelwright, T. No Paradise for Workers: Capitalism and the common people in Australia, 1788-1914. OUP, Melbourne, 1988
Clark, C.M.H. A Short History of Australia, 4th revised edition, Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1995

Additional Resources

You will need to read around each of the topics of this course: What follows is a general guide to the literature. Further resources available through the library and through additional reading lists throughout the term.

Dictionaries. Dictionaries are useful for defining terms and clarifying concepts. The following may be helpful.
Murphy, Brian A dictionary of Australian history Sydney, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
The Australians, a historical dictionary Broadway, Fairfax, Syme ∓ Weldon, 1987.
Bassett, Jan The Oxford illustrated dictionary of Australian history Melbourne, Oxford University Press,1993.
Jupp, James (ed), The Australian People: An Encyclopaedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins ,Angus and Robertson, North Ryde,1988

Additional Reading: (General)

Blainey, G., The tyranny of distance, Sun Books, Melbourne, 1966 or later revised editions
McQueen, H., A New Britannia, Penguin Books, Ringwood, 1970
An interesting new addition to Australian Historiography: Day, D., Claiming a Continent: A new history of Australia, Angus and Robinson, Sydney, 1997 (Interesting because it is written from the point of view of conquest and dispossession)

Additional Reading: (Aboriginal Studies)

Attwood, B. The Making of the Aborigines. Allen and Unwin: Sydney, 1989
Reynolds, H. Aborigines and Settlers:The Australian Experience 1788-1939, Cassell Australia, Melbourne, 1972
Flood, Josephine, The Archeology of the Dreamtime, Collins, Sydney, 1992
Mulvaney, D.J., The Prehistory of Australia, Penguin, Melbourne, 1983
Reynolds, H. Fate of a Free People, Penguin, Melbourne, 1995
Rowley, C.D. The Destruction of Aboriginal Society,Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1895
Reid, G. A Picnic with the Natives: Aboriginal-European Relations in the Northern Territory to 1910, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1990
Cannon, M., (ed) Historical Records of Victoria, Vols 2A ∓ 2B, Vic Government Records Office, Melbourne, 1982-1983

Additional Reading (Settlement)

Shaw, A.G.L, Convicts and the Colonies, Faber, London, 1966
Martin, Ged The Founding of Australia, Hale and Ironmonger, Sydney, 1981
King, Robert J., The Secret History of the Convict colony, Allen ∓ Unwin, Sydney
Crowley F, (ed) A Documentary History of Australia Vol. 1, Nelson, Melbourne, 1980
Morgan, Sharon, Land Settlement in Early Tasmania, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992
Reynods, H., The Other side of the Frontier, Penguin Books, Melbourne, 1982
Abbott, G.J.and Nairn N.B.(eds), Economic Growth of Australia, 1788-1821 , Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1969
Abbott, G.J. The Pastoral Age: A Re-Examination. South Melbourne: Macmillan, 1971.
Perry, T.M. Australia's First Frontier: The Spread of Settlement in New South Wales, 1788-1829. Melbourne:
Melbourne University Press, 1963.
Robinson, Portia. The Women of Botany Bay: A Reinterpretation of the Role of Women in the Origins of Australian Society. Ringwood: Penguin Books Australia, 1988. Rev. ed., 1993.
Robson, L.L. The Convict Settlers of Australia. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1965. 2d Ed., 1994. SU

Additional Reading ( Porblems of Early Government and Governors)

 Ritchie, J., Lachlan Macquarie, Melbourne University Press,Melbourne, 1986
Ellis, M.H. John Macarthur, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1955
Hainsworth, D. R. The Sydney Traders, Melbourne University Press, Meblourne, 1981
Steven, Margaret, Merchant Campbell, 1769-1846, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1965
Ritchie, J., Punishment and Profit, Heinemann, Melbourne, 1970

Additional Reading: (Gold and the Long Boom )

Serle, Geoffrey. The Golden Age: A History of the Colony of Victoria, 1851-1861. Melbourne: Melbourne
University Press, 1963. Reprint, 1977.
Crowley, Frank (ed), A New History of Australia , Heinemann, Melbourne, 1974,
Ward, Russel, Australia Since the Coming of Man, Lansdowne, Sydney, 1982.
Greenwood, Gordon (ed), Australia: A Social and Political History, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1971 (1955).
Rickard, John, Class and Politics: New South Wales, Victoria and the Early Commonwealth,1890-1918, ANU Press, Canberra, 1975